

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Passion For Markers - Special Anniversary Week

 Hello this week we are celebrating our 15th Anniversary at 

Passion For Markers

Our challenge is 

Anything Goes and we have loads of sponsors so that means lots of prizes.

So for details pop along and check them out
I am made a card for my Grandson for his birthday.

The image is from  Pink Gem Designs

I coloured with Markers (a MUST for the challenge)

matted onto a black card Sentiment computer

CAS as thats how he likes it.

I did take inspiration from the coloured version but this is his fave colour as well.

i do hope you will join our celebrations.

Thanks for your visit


I Spy With My Little Eye - For Men & Boys

Crafty Catz Challenge

Good morning to you and Happy Birthday to my Grandson wow where did that last 4 years go.

Today i have my DT card for Crafty Catz and as always our challenge is Anything Goes

Our sponsor for this fortnight is

For my card i have used Game Boy

Our optional for fun challenge was Dots and or Stripes so I have done both with my DP all from old stash
Coloured with Markers
Added stamped sentiments
Tonic studio circle dies

Well hope to see you over at the blog.

Off to get some last minute jobs and bits for Little man arriving 
Here's a picture of him coming out of the shop. Not bad for 1st time on a big bike. Notice Dad holding him back as he quickly gains speed. Rory wasn't impressed as he told him look I can do brakes.


Addicted to Stamps and More 2W, #468 - Birthdays (week 2

Cardz 4 Guyz 2W, 3E - #347 - Stars and or Stripes

Tuesday 21 May 2024

All Dressed Up Challenge -Anything Goes

 Hello and welcome.

Today I am playing catch up.

We had the Grandson this weekend and it is his birthday Wednesday.

So we where on a bike hunt. He loves his little 3 wheeler and it folds slightly so great for in the car. I bought it as it said up to 6 omg he is going to be 4 and I am saying it is too small. He hates wobbly thing so a bike with stabilizer's he wasn't keen. Anyway we sat him on several and no not having any then off we went to Decathlon and sat on a 16inch smyths said he needed a 14 although we didn't think it would last long. Well next thing we knew he was off round the shop on his own pleased as punch. So glad he liked and 8am next day he was saying come on Dad I want to go out on my bike.

So now I am catch up with my Blog challenge card for


I am using 2 images  Pool Ready and Time to Cool Off

thought I could give him this as he is off in 2 weeks on his 1st flight to the Canaries

coloured with markers and inked sky

Embossed card and oddment of DP

Base card is patterened and thought it reminded me of the flowers and sand colours of the island

stamped sentiment

A few dies from my collection.

Well thats it I hope he has a good time

Thanks for your visit and hope to see you joining us this month.

Enjoy your day