

Tuesday 2 February 2010

My lucky Day

Hi folks no card today well not yet ,and as i am at night school later cant see one appearing either. Oh well i will have one tomorrow for you so please pop back it is new challenge time.

Well this morning i checked in and i have won some more candy gosh lets hope things are changing for me. It has been a horrid few years they say it runs in 7 and thinks started about 7 years ago to go down hill. Well my win came from smiffy's cards please pop by and give her some love she has a brillient blog.

Next i received this award from a lovely young lady that is so generous and never fails to amaze me she is so talented and clever not just with her fingers has recently gained a masters degree just now need a fab job to go with it. Naomi would love you to pop by and leave her a comment.

I have also received this again from Rachel who for someone so young amazes me with her talent. You really must pop over and check her blog out if you dont follower already. A star in the making if not already me thinks.

Thanks Naomi
Now then - 10 things that make me happy:
1. A good crafting session with my buddies
2. My friends that i have made since i started crafting
3. My family
4. A good meal cooked by my lovely son
5. My candy wins this last week
6. A nice warm bed on a sunday morning
7. A good film, sweets and a drink
8. Summer
9. Receiving lovely cards from friends just because they want to.
10. Watching my nephews playing in the snow

Now to pass this award on:- gosh where do i start i would love to pass to you all but dont think i am allowed well if your name isnt on it isnt because i dont value you.
Janette - a friend and shoulder
Margaret(lizzy) - great friendly and talented person new to blogging
Linda- our new team member at creative inspirations
Janiel - lovely talented and encouraging person
Stephanne - Another wonderful person with so much talent to share

I also received this from the wonderful wendy a while back but naughty didnt post sorry wendy. Please pop over and say hello she is a very talented and kind person.


  1. aww,Sue,you are such a darling,you really are...thanks ever so much....x

  2. Thank you Sue ya made my day hun xx lizzy xx

  3. Awwww, you are too kind to think of me, thank you very much!! Also, congrats on the award and the candies!!! Won't you be crafting up a storm with the new goods!!
    Take Care,

  4. Hi Sue
    There is a little something for you on my blog,
    Hugs Dianne xx

  5. OOO and i've just left one for you on mine too :) Rachel xx

  6. congrats on your win Sue....way to go girl
    Mina xxx
