

Monday 4 June 2012

Oh Have Some News

Hello have I got you wondering well I got an email today and cant wait to tell you but then I would have to kill you and would hate to do that. So no card today from me been busy doing some DT work and if you come back tomorrow I can tell you my news but you can have a lie in because after all it is a BANK HOLIDAY so wont post till after dinner.
The sun has peeped it's little head and run away again and the dark clouds keep coming and going but no rain so far. Hope you are all enjoying the Bank Holiday and those that have had to work hope you have a lovely relaxing evening. What happened to the good old days where Bank Holidays meant no work and time spent with the family.
Anyway please pop back tomorrow and catch my news. It is only little news but I got excited about it.


  1. oh you little tease Sue, lol
    Hope you are having a relaxing weekend, now i will have to pop back tomorrow....hugs Carol

  2. Oh Sue, you tease!! I hate being in suspense!! I'll be back tomorrow!!

  3. Now that is just wicked Sue, lol, you bad girl. Will pop back tomorrow. Hope you are having a good weekend. Hugs Sxx

  4. OOOh now y ou got me going, get up woman and let me know whats happening lol, bet its something really good, huggies June xx

  5. aw i`m gonna have to wait longer cos off to work soon lol :D
    i`ll be back :D

    xx coops xx

  6. oh you are a little tease...!!!thanks for popping by my lille ole blog...god could you imagine us two together weve never buy anything we'd be to busy chatting i do love you commenting on my blog sue always make me giggle,,could you mail me your addy again pleazzz lost the email i have your sure i offered them you hunnie haha i cant remeber too good lately..and if i didnt tough your getting them ...hugs sassyxx
