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Tuesday 28 May 2024

Make Do & Mend - All Dressed Up

 Good evening I have my New Release for 

All Dressed Up Stamps

I made something a little different from a card.

A Belly Band for one of my Sewing Kits

The image is called 

Make Do & Mend

I kept it simple colouring with markers
cut out and mounted using Tonic scallop dies
The band is a punch I have had for many years
Here is close up of the image

Lots of inspiration on the blog so please pop along and check out the new images.
While you are there why not play along with our challenge it is always Anything Goes with one of our images.
Thanks for your visit


Janette said...

Lovely idea Sue, I love the image, must have a look at that one. xx

As.I.Do.Rodos. said...

What a brilliant card ♥ it
My Blog As I do Rodos

Chris said...

This looks lovely Sue, what a clever idea.

Margarets designer cards said...

Lovely card and an old fashion sentiment thats coming back into fashion